Bus and coach operator information

Wellington Airport’s Transport Hub is purpose-built to facilitate the pick-up and drop-off of passengers from busses and coaches.
Booking is essential to utilise this service
The Transport Hub is a located a short, covered walk from the terminal.
The Transport Hub is located under the Multi-Level Car Park Building on the Ground Floor. After entering through the Uncovered entries from the north, follow the road around the first bend. The entry to the Transport Hub will be on the right (entry indicated by a bus only sign)
When in the Hub, follow the bus lane around to stops 1-3 as indicated below. Please avoid using the AX spaces as these dedicated spaces are for the Airport Express only.

- Slots are 30 minutes each and can be booked by 15-minute interval.
- Select a date then booking start time from the calendar.
- To display full availability “Select Staff” must be set to “anyone” (this is default). A stop will be automatically allocated on your booking confirmation.
- Please provide contact details in the details section.
- A confirmation email with time slot and allocated space will be received to the nominated email.
- If the desired booking slot is not displaying on the time selector, all three stops are currently booked for this slot.
- Please ensure you have vacated before the conclusion of your slot, to ensure any adjoining bookings can access their allocated space.
- Bookings can be rescheduled or cancelled via the link in your booking confirmation.
Access and Fees
Currently there are no fees for pick-up and drop-off.
A licensing and payment system is currently under development and more information will follow at a later date.
For booking assistance, please contact: ParkingServices@wellingtonairport.co.nz
For special arrangements or non-booking related queries, contact: Transport@wellingtonairport.co.nz