Notices of Requirement for ‘airport purposes’ designations

In December 2019, after a period of public consultation, we published the final version of our 2040 Masterplan. This outlines the developments we have planned at the airport to respond to future growth and ensure our airport infrastructure is more resilient to a changing climate.
To ensure we are ready to start development when passenger numbers recover, we recently lodged two separate Notices of Requirement for ‘airport purposes’ designations.
Proposed designation over our main site
The first ‘airport purposes’ designation was lodged with Wellington City Council in August 2019. The proposed designation is primarily over the area of land making up the existing Airport – zoned as Airport Precinct in the District Plan – and effectively mirrors and replaces the current rules and requirements outlined in the District Plan in relation to airport activities. The proposed changes will enable us to establish a more efficient and flexible planning framework for existing and future airport activities and development.
Proposed designation over the east side area
The second ‘airport purposes’ designation was lodged with Wellington City Council in February 2020. The proposed designation is primarily over the area of land making up the southern portion (16.5 ha) of the existing Miramar Golf Course. If approved, this will enable us to use the land to the east of the airport for aircraft operations, taxiways and aprons, and ancillary activities.
Both Notices of Requirement for these designations were publicly notified by Wellington City Council (WCC) in December 2020 and submissions closed on 26 February 2021. A public hearing was held from 19-21 May 2021, with an independent hearing panel appointed by WCC. All relevant information and documentation can be found on the Wellington International Airport Ltd – Notices of Requirement page of WCC’s website.
Summary of the Notices of Requirement for designations