New carpark on former golf club land

Wellington Airport is making use of land acquired from Miramar Golf Club by creating a new car parking area immediately east of the airport. This new space is needed to relocate car park capacity due to other works taking place around the airport precinct.
The area is 300 metres by 90 metres and will include landscaping and boundary treatments to improve its visual amenity. Earthworks began in late July 2024 with the project due to be finished around May 2025.
Wellington Airport purchased the 12.9 hectares of land covering the back nine holes at the southern end of the golf course in 2019 and took possession of this area on 1 January 2025.
There are no immediate plans for how this additional land beyond the new carpark will be used yet, and any future development is likely to involve community consultation and happen gradually in stages over time.
In the future we will develop a new landscape buffer area along the eastern boundary alongside Bunker Way. This will have attractive new green spaces which could include walkways, cycleways and new plantings in line with our Landscape Visual Management Plan.
We will continue to keep the community updated and as always, we are happy to answer any questions via
More information on these plans including pictures and maps are available here.
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