Construction of new sludge treatment plant and hillock removal

Wellington City Council has begun construction on a new sewage sludge minimisation facility at Moa Point.

The project is aimed at minimising and managing sludge to greatly reduce the amount of waste going to landfill. The new facility is expected to be up and running in 2026.

The old AGS Automotive Building on Stewart Duff Drive has been demolished and there will be excavation work on the hill between the Wellington Wastewater Treatment Plant and the pump station.

As part of this work, the grassy hillock at the southern end of Stewart Duff Drive is being removed and used by the team constructing the sludge plant. This area of land will be excavated and flattened and then a new ground services equipment workshop constructed providing aviation support services.

In line with Wellington Airport’s long-term 2040 Masterplan, this hillock area will eventually become airside forming part of the future apron area.

Temporary traffic management will be in place to allow the safe entry/exit to the above areas.

More detail from Wellington City Council is available here: