Contact details & opening hours

Wellington Airport opening hours
- 3.00am - 1.30am daily
Flight Information
You can see the status of all arriving and departing flights here.
If you are concerned about the delay or cancellation of your flight, locating your luggage or checking in, please contact your airline direct on the numbers listed under Airlines
For airport services only such as parking and terminal facilities please use the contact options below:
Wellington Airport contact details
Phone: +64 4 385 5100
Contact your airline
Please contact your airline or the relevant government agency for flight and travel information such as baggage handling, customs, biosecurity, and immigration.
Physical address:
28 Stewart Duff Drive
Wellington 6022
Our registered office is:
Wellington International Airport Ltd
Corporate Office
Level 2, Main Terminal Building
New Zealand
Our postal address is:
PO Box 14175, Wellington
New Zealand