Public consultation on northern flight paths

In 2024 Wellington Airport publicly consulted on potential flight path options for northerly jet departures from Wellington. The options were:
1) Maintaining the current flight paths
2) Changing the northerly route for jet departures before 7am to fly between Horokiwi and Korokoro
3) Changing the northerly route for jet departures to a similar route used before December 2022 over Newlands Ridge
4) Any other proposal raised through this engagement process
This follows changes made to flight paths for jet aircraft departing Wellington to the north in December 2022. In general, these changes have meant fewer departures over Newlands and more over Khandallah and Broadmeadows.
Detailed background on the options were outlined in this document: Flight path changes that may affect your suburb which was mailed to northern suburbs and parts of the Hutt Valley.
Detailed noise monitoring reports are also available:
Submissions closed on 5th November 2024 and after careful consideration, a decison confirming support for the current flights was announced by Airways and Wellington Airport on 6th December 2024.
For any questions or issues, please contact us at
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